Jedi Classifications


“Welcome, Jedi learner. In order to teach you more about the Jedi Order, I’ve compiled a list of Jedi classifications- some of which are canon, and some of which are more of legend. At any rate, I do hope these will assist you as you learn about the special order that you are a part of. As you grow in knowledge of the Force, you will be able to participate in The Gathering and find your own kyber crystal. In this way, you will better know just what type of Jedi you truly are. May the Force be with you.”

Jedi Consular

Many Jedi Consulars wielded green lightsabers and were known for being deep thinkers who focused extensively on their relationship with the Force. They believed that pursuing enlightenment through connection with the Force and with all living things was the core to meaning itself. As a result, meditation was a very important practice for most consulars as they progressed in their skills, and it was not uncommon for many to spend years or even decades regularly meditating in isolation to explore concepts of self-discovery, purpose, and meaning.

In addition, the consulars’ philosophical approach to seeing the world also led them to frequently take a more peaceful stance towards resolving issues. Thus, they were often known to avoid warfare and combat in favor of alternative solutions when possible (although it should be noted that this tendency was largely set aside during The Clone War). While still very skilled in combat in their own right, the generally peaceful demeanor of Jedi Consulars led several to focus on other abilities, and many became highly skilled at healing maladies of various types. Their tactful approach to solving issues also led many to study science and diplomacy, with many Jedi Consulars serving as ambassadors and diplomats.

Consulars’ focus on the deeper meaning of things also led several to carefully study Jedi prophecies, though to varying degrees, as the practice of studying prophecies was regarded controversially within the Jedi Order- even by Grand Master Yoda who was a Jedi Consular himself.

Important Jedi Consular Qualities: Insight, judgement, wisdom, meaning

Prominent Examples: Yoda, Qui-Gon Jinn

Jedi Guardian

Jedi Guardians often wielded blue lightsabers and were known for their skills with the Force. They were also frequently cunning warriors and capable tacticians in duels. As a result, Jedi Guardians often utilized their skills with the Force in addition to swordsmanship to defeat dangerous opponents. They naturally utilized techniques such as Force telekinesis to throw objects and block attacks and were also known to use their surroundings to gain the upper hand during attacks.

Guardians also were known for their creativity and innovation, not only in martial arts, but also in methods of handling problematic situations. Their loyalty to the Jedi Order was usually very strong, leading them to frequently defend the Order and the Jedi Code both in public and in private circumstances.

Many Jedi Guardians placed a significant emphasis on physical fitness, and it was not unusual for a Guardian to possess unique physical skills such as dexterity and agility. They were also frequently goal-oriented, allowing them to objectively and efficiently approach situations and resolve challenging circumstances. Their skillset was particularly advantageous during The Clone War and other galactic crises.

Important Jedi Guardian Qualities: Loyalty, courage, determination, ingenuity

Prominent Examples: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker

Jedi Sentinel

Jedi Sentinels often wielded yellow lightsabers and were known for their wide-reaching influence on the galaxy. Unlike Jedi Guardians and Consulars who adhered to very differing schools of thought, Sentinels tended to favor balance and open-mindedness, possessing a blend of qualities from both.

Their flexibility allowed them to see the galaxy uniquely and many were known for their ability to connect with others. As such, many traveled the galaxy broadly- exploring unique worlds and cultures. It was therefore not uncommon for a Jedi Sentinel to become closely involved in local community affairs, serving the people around them.

In conflict, Jedi Sentinels were often peacekeepers, diffusing contention and working tactfully to solve situations. Many also became skilled artisans, and a few actually served as private investigators, also addressing corruption in law.

Within the Jedi Order, devoted Jedi Sentinels were occasionally chosen apart to become anonymous Temple Guards. These Temple Guards wore a mask with formal robes and wielded the lightsaber pike- a characteristic double-bladed yellow lightsaber. They served as security to the Jedi Order and displayed absolute emotional detachment to serve as protectors.

Important Jedi Sentinel Qualities: Balance, open-mindedness, exploration, devotion

Prominent Examples: Rey Skywalker, Jedi Temple Guards

Jedi Aberrant

Though not an official term, Jedi Aberrants can be considered Jedi who deviate notably in one way or another from the standard teachings of the Jedi Order. They can wield a variety of lightsaber colors, but orange is the color that seems to most characteristically represent them.

Frequently, Jedi Aberrants were Jedi Consulars whose philosophies evolved over time, such that they came to disagree with certain teachings of the Jedi Order. Like Consulars, they were often regarded as mysterious by their fellow Jedi given their unique and varying perspectives of the Force. Unlike Consulars however, they often studied both Jedi and Sith prophecies even interacting with the Dark Side of the Force to do so; a practice which was looked upon with disdain by the Jedi High Council.

Some Jedi Aberrants came to not consider themselves Jedi. However, while it was not uncommon for a Jedi Aberrant to become so conflicted with the Order that they would leave it entirely (such as in the case of The Lost Twenty), many also remained within the Jedi Order and provided valuable and unique insight to resolving local and galactic issues, as well as uncovering mysteries of the Force.

Besides prophecies, many Jedi Aberrants traveled the galaxy studying ancient Sith and Jedi relics. They were often well-versed in ancient writings and cultures and some discovered hidden Jedi Temples that had been long-lost or forgotten. The Order 66 survivor, Baylan Skoll, adhered to these forms of thought, searching for the answers to an ancient legend that was said to exist outside of the known galaxy.

Important to note, Jedi who fall away from the order and become Sith Lords are NOT considered Jedi Aberrants.

Important Jedi Aberrant Qualities: Mystery, defiance, curiosity, divergence

Prominent Examples: Baylan Skoll, Lene Kostana

Jedi Aggresor

Though not an official term, Jedi Aggressors can be seen as a subtype of Jedi Guardian. Aggressors are known for their use of more aggressive forms of dueling and response to conflicts and are extremely rare within the Jedi Order. They can wield a variety of lightsaber colors, but amethyst (purple) is the color that most characteristically represents them – particularly as the color was thought by some to be a ‘perfect balance of blue and red’ or ‘light and dark’.

As Jedi must always be cognizant of the temptations of the Dark Side, the Jedi Order teaches values that harken to peace and mindfulness to prevent falling to anger and destruction. Very occasionally however, there are Jedi that possess extreme self-discipline and are allowed through proper sanction of the Order to pursue advanced and more aggressive techniques of lightsaber dueling and use of the Force in engagement.

This was the case for Jedi Master Mace Windu, who created a subtype of the seventh and last form of lightsaber known as Vaapad. This lightsaber form allowed practitioners to draw on feelings of passion without fully giving into them. Viewed in battle, these Jedi could fight with a sort of ‘controlled fury’ making them some of the most skilled duelists in the history of the Jedi Order.

Given their strong inclination to self-discipline, Jedi Aggressors tended to be individuals who were strict and unyielding in their obedience to the Jedi Order’s precepts. However, their strong emphasis on rules and regulations was sometimes seen as short-sightedness by other Jedi within the Order.

Important Jedi Aggressor Qualities: Discipline, confidence, swiftness, strength

Prominent Examples: Mace Windu, Jaina Solo (legends)